Tuesday, 1 September 2020

JNTUH & Autonomous :- No credit-based detentions during the AY 2020-21- i.e., All credit based students are eligible for re-admission

In compliance with the directions of AICTE/TSCHE, all the students who are detained due to shortage of credits in the academic year 2019-20 or in the previous academic years are promoted to study next year of his/her course.

Accordingly if any student, who was detained due to shortage of credits, approaches your college, such students may be given re-admission. You are also informed to identify all such students who were detained due to shortage of credits in any of the previous academic years and intimate about their promotion, so that such students will be benefited.

Further the students who have not registered for the semester exams are also eligible for promotion.

However, students must obtain sufficient credits to promote for next academic year

Sd/- XXX